Welcome to the World of Progressive Censoring

This website provides information on progressive censoring. A detailed recent account to the topic is available in the monograph

  • N. Balakrishnan, E. Cramer (2014) The Art of Progressive Censoring. Applications to Reliability and Quality. Birkhäuser, New York.

Detailed information about the book can be obtained from

Here, you will get more information on the development of progressive censoring. In particular, an up-to-date collection of references will be provided. You are invited to explore the website!

We appreciate very much getting information about your publications so that we can include them in our bibliography on progressive censoring. Thus, we ask you to inform us about your published new work by email. We also appreciate obtaining a reprint of the work because we intend to give some additional information like keywords etc.

Many Thanks in advance!

E. Cramer, N. Balakrishnan